(Set 4) Diversity in Living World

Pearl is a hard object produced within the soft tissues of a mollusc. Which one of the following is the main constituent of pearl?
  1. Calcium carbonate
  2. Calcium oxide
  3. Calcium nitrate
  4. Calcium sulphate

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Correct Answer : A

Which one of the following is not a true fish?
  1. Shark
  2. Starfish
  3. Eel
  4. Sea horse

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Correct Answer : B

What is the definition for the term 'hibernation' ?
  1. A state of hyperactivity in spring time among birds
  2. Building of habitat (nests) by birds to save themselves in rainy season
  3. A state of reduced metabolic activity during winter season among some animals
  4. A habit of food conservation during summer season for winter among animals

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Correct Answer : C

Locomotory organs of a starfish is
  1. tube feet
  2. paddle
  3. muscular foot
  4. flipper

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Correct Answer : A

Excretion in hemichordates takes place by
  1. glomerulus
  2. pronephron
  3. mesonephron
  4. metanephron

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Correct Answer : A

Which one of the following animals is jawless?
  1. Sphyma
  2. Trygon
  3. Myxine
  4. Shark

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Correct Answer : C

Which one of the following is a true fish as per the biological system of classification?
  1. Silverfish
  2. Jellyfish
  3. Cuttlefish
  4. Flyingfish

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Correct Answer : D

In which one of the following is swim bladder absent?
  1. Cuttlefish
  2. Bony fish
  3. Cartilaginous fish
  4. Silverfish

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Correct Answer : C

Air bladder in fish acts as
  1. Accessory respiratory organ
  2. Hydrostatic organ
  3. Both accessory respiratory organ and hydrostatic organ
  4. Primary respiratory organ

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Correct Answer : B

The type of tail found in shark is
  1. protocercal
  2. homocercal
  3. heterocercal
  4. diphycercal

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Correct Answer : C

What does the word amphibian means?
  1. Three lives
  2. Four lives
  3. Two lives
  4. One lives

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Correct Answer : C

The type of kidneys present in frog are
  1. mesonephros
  2. metanephros
  3. archinephros
  4. pronephros

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Correct Answer : A

The newly hatched tadpole breaths through is
  1. lung
  2. external gills
  3. internal gills
  4. All of these

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Correct Answer : B

Who among the following have venous heart?
  1. Mammals
  2. Reptilians
  3. Fishes
  4. Amphibians

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Correct Answer : D

Types of vertebrate animals which creep and crawl are called
  1. mammalians
  2. amphibians
  3. molluscs
  4. reptilians

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Correct Answer : D

Which of the following classes of animals has/have three chambered heart?
  1. Pisces and Amphibia
  2. Amphibia and Reptilia
  3. Reptilia only
  4. Amphibia only

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Correct Answer : B

With which one of the following jacobsons organ is related to?
  1. Vision
  2. Chewing
  3. Smelling
  4. Hearing

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Correct Answer : C

Which of the following animals has the longest lifespan?
  1. Elephant
  2. Crocodile
  3. Dog
  4. Tortoise

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Correct Answer : D

Poisonous fangs of a snake are modified from a
  1. mandibular teeth
  2. palatine teeth
  3. canine teeth
  4. maxillary teeth

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Correct Answer : D

An eardrum is absent in
  1. snakes
  2. turtles
  3. tuatara
  4. toads

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Correct Answer : A

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