(Set 1) Mechanical properties of fluids

Density of water is
  1. maximum at 0 degree C
  2. minimum at 0 degree C
  3. maximum at 4 degree C
  4. minimum -4 degree C

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Correct Answer : C

Density of water ......... when it freezes.
  1. decreases
  2. increase
  3. remain constant
  4. No option is correct

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Correct Answer : A

Pressure is a scalar quantity because
  1. it is the ratio of force to area and both force and area are vectors
  2. it is the ratio of magnitude of force to area
  3. it is the ratio of component of force (normal to area) to area
  4. None of the above

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Correct Answer : A

A deep sea diver may hurt his ear drum during diving because of
  1. lack of oxigen
  2. high atmospheric pressure
  3. high water pressure
  4. All of above

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Correct Answer : C

A hydrogen balloon floats up, because of
  1. air pressure decrease with decrease in height
  2. air pressure decrease with decrease in weight
  3. weight of the balloon is less than the weight of air displaced by it
  4. the pressure inside the balloon is more than the pressure outside it

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Correct Answer : C

A person stands on his two feet over a surface and experiences a pressure p. Now, the person stands on only one foot. He would experience a pressure of magnitude
  1. 4 p
  2. p
  3. 1p/2
  4. 2 p

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Correct Answer : D

It is easy to burst a gas filled balloon with a needle, than with a nail. It is because
  1. nail is more longer than needle
  2. nail exert more pressure than needle on the balloon
  3. needle exerts more pressure than nail on the balloon
  4. gas is reactive with the needle

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Correct Answer : C

Calculate the pressure (in Pa) if a thrust of 1000 N is applied to an area of 5 m^2.
  1. 200
  2. 50
  3. 100
  4. 25

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Correct Answer : A

Which one of the following device is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
  1. Ammeter
  2. Barometer
  3. Potentiometer
  4. Lactometer

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Correct Answer : B

A liquid is kept in a glass beaker. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the pressure exerted by the liquid column at the base of the beaker?
  1. The pressure depends on the area of the base of the beaker
  2. The pressure depends on the height of liquid column
  3. The pressure does not depend on the density of the liquid
  4. The pressure neither depends on the area of the base of the beaker nor on the height of liquid column

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Correct Answer : B

According to ............., pressure is equal to the force divided by the area on which it acts.
  1. Pascal's Law
  2. Hooke's Law
  3. Stefan-Boltzmann Law
  4. Newton's Law

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Correct Answer : A

A body weight is highest in which among the following?
  1. Air
  2. Water
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Nitrogen

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Correct Answer : C

When pressure is applied to a fluid, the pressure change is transmitted to every part of the fluid without any loss. Which of the following laws explains his phenomenon?
  1. Hooke's Law
  2. Bernoulli's Law
  3. Avogadro's Law
  4. Pascal's Law

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Correct Answer : D

When an object is immersed in water, then an upward force acts on it. What is this force called?
  1. Gravitational force
  2. Buoyant force
  3. Gravitational force
  4. Frictional force

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Correct Answer : B

When a ship enters the sea from a river what will be the effect?
  1. It lowers
  2. It sways
  3. It rises a little
  4. It jolts

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Correct Answer : C

What will happen to the level of water in a vessel when a piece of ice floating in it melts?
  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. Remains same
  4. Frist increases and then decreases

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Correct Answer : C

Whether an object will float or sink in a liquid, depends on
  1. mass of the object only
  2. mass of the object and density of liquid only
  3. difference in the densities of the object and liquid
  4. mass and shape of the object onlyc

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Correct Answer : C

If some object is weighed when submerged in water, then what will happen to its weight compared to its weight in air?
  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains exactly the same
  4. Increases or decreases cannot be predicted

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Correct Answer : B

A liquid drop shrink due to own particles and occupies the minimum possible area. This phenomena is called
  1. surface tension
  2. elastic force
  3. gravitational force
  4. viscous force

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Correct Answer : A

Water drops do not stick to the oily surface due to
  1. lack of adhesive force
  2. surface tension
  3. cannot mix each other
  4. water is lighter than oil

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Correct Answer : B

Soap bubble attains spherical shape due to .........
  1. inertia
  2. pressure
  3. surface tension
  4. viscosity

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Correct Answer : C

Materials for rain proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to
  1. surface tension
  2. viscosity
  3. specific gravity
  4. elasticity

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Correct Answer : A

Soap clean surfaces on the principle of based on
  1. viscosity
  2. floatation
  3. elasticity
  4. surface tension

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Correct Answer : D

Statement ; Detergent should be used to clean clothes. Assumption : 1. Detergents reduces surface tension of water to clear dirt. 2. Detergents clear dirt and grease as well.
  1. Only Assumption 2 is implicit.
  2. Either Assumption 1 or 2 is implicit.
  3. Both Assumption 1 and 2 are implicit.
  4. Only Assumption 1 is implicit.

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Correct Answer : C

Which type/types of pen uses/use capillary action in addition to gravity for flow of ink?
  1. Fountain pen
  2. Ballpoint pen
  3. Gel pen
  4. Both ballpoint and gel pens

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Correct Answer : B

Consider the following statements, If there were no capillarity, 1. It would be impossible to use a kerosene lamp. 2. one would not be able to use a straw to consume a soft drink. 3. the blotting paper would fail to function. 4. there would have been no plants on the earth. Which of the statements given above are correct?
  1. 1, 2 and 4
  2. 1, 3 and 4
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 1, 2, 3 and 4

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Correct Answer : B

Bernoulli's principle is based on which of among the following laws?
  1. Conservation of mass
  2. conservation of momentum
  3. Conservation of angular momentum
  4. Conservation of energy

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Correct Answer : D

Along a streamline flow of fluid,
  1. the velocity of all fluid particles at a given instant is constant
  2. the speed of a fluid particle remains constant
  3. the velocity of all fluid particles crossing a given position is constant
  4. the velocity of a fluid particle remains constant

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Correct Answer : C

Two cars, passing each other at high speed, are in danger of side swiping because
  1. of the increase in air pressure in the space between them.
  2. of decrease in the velocity of air molecules between them.
  3. of decrease in air pressure in the space between them.
  4. of the increase in the velocity of air molecules between them.

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Correct Answer : C

A large tank having a small hole at the bottom is filled with water to a height h. If the stream of water coming out of the hole is directed vertically upwards it will
  1. rise to a height less than h
  2. rise to height h
  3. rise to height greater than h
  4. not rise at all

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Correct Answer : B

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