(Set-1) Heat, Temperature Thermodynamics

The direction of heat flow between two bodies depends on which of the following?
  1. Their specific heat
  2. Their latent heat
  3. Their temperatures
  4. Their area of contact

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Correct Answer : C

Which one of the following statements is correct?
  1. Any energy transfer that does not involves temperature difference in some way is not heat.
  2. Any energy transfer always requires a temperature difference.
  3. On heating, the length and volume of the object remain exactly the same.
  4. Whenever there is a temperature difference, heat is the only way of energy transfer.

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Correct Answer : A

Which one among the following denotes the smallest temperature?
  1. 1 degree on the celsius scale
  2. 1 degree on the kelvin scale
  3. 1 degree on the fahrenheit scale
  4. 1 degree on the reaumur scale

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Correct Answer : B

Direction of heat flow depends on ......... .
  1. density
  2. energy
  3. mass
  4. temperature

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Correct Answer : D

On which of the following scales of temperature the temperature is never negative?
  1. Celsius
  2. Fahrenheit
  3. Reaumer
  4. Kelvin

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Correct Answer : D

The celsius temperature is a/an
  1. relative temperature
  2. absolute temperature
  3. specific temperature
  4. approximate temperature

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Correct Answer : C

Absolute zero is defined as
  1. the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases.
  2. at which water boils at 298 K.
  3. at which liquid Helium boils.
  4. at which the volume becomes zero.

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Correct Answer : D

To change a temperature from the kelvin scale to the Celsius scale, you have to
  1. divide the given temperature by 273
  2. subtract 273 from the given temperature
  3. multiply the given temperature by 273
  4. add 273 to the given temperature

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Correct Answer : B

A kelvin thermometer and a Fahrenheit thermometer both give the same reading for a certain sample. What would be the corresponding reading in a Celsius thermometer?
  1. 574
  2. 301
  3. 273
  4. 232

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Correct Answer : B

What is the numerical value of temperature at which Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are equal?
  1. 40 degree
  2. -40 degree
  3. -34 degree
  4. -140 degree

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Correct Answer : B

The temperature of a place on one sunny day is 133 in Fahrenheit scale. The Kelvin scale reading of this temperature will be
  1. 318 K
  2. 45 K
  3. 62.8 K
  4. 335.8 K

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Correct Answer : A

The normal temperature of human body is 98.4F . 92F equivalent temperature in degree C is
  1. 40.16
  2. 38.69
  3. 35.12
  4. 32.36

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Correct Answer : B

The value of 50 degree celsius in Fahrenheit scale is
  1. 104 degree F
  2. 122 degree F
  3. 102 degree F
  4. 75 degree F

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Correct Answer : B

At what temperature (in Fahrenheit) pure water freezes?
  1. 32
  2. 0
  3. 48
  4. 37

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Correct Answer : B

Expansion during heating
  1. occurs only in solids
  2. increases the weight of a material
  3. decreases the density of a material
  4. occurs at the same rate for all liquids and solids

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Correct Answer : C

Which one of the following statements is not correct?
  1. The Kelvin scale of temperature is called the absolute scale.
  2. Visible light radiation has wavelength range of 400-700 mm
  3. The capacity to do work is called power.
  4. The wavelength of Y-rays is less than the wavelength of X-rays.

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Correct Answer : C

The formula for conversion between Fahrenheit and Celsius is degree F = X+(1.8 x degree C).
  1. 32
  2. 22
  3. 98
  4. 42

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Correct Answer : A

The coefficient of areal expansion of a material is 1.6 x 10^-5 K^-1 .Which one of the following gives the value of coefficient of volume expansion of this material?
  1. 0.8 x 10^-5 K^-1
  2. 2.4 x 10^-5 K^-1
  3. 3.2 x 10^-5 K^-1
  4. 4.8 x 10^-5 K ^-1

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Correct Answer : B

Which of the following statement(s) about specific heat of a body is/are correct? 1. It depends upon mass and shape of the body. 2. It is independent of mass and shape of the body. 3. It is depends only upon the temperature of the body.
  1. Only 1
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1 and 3
  4. Only 2

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Correct Answer : A

Thermal capacity of a body depends on the
  1. mass of the body
  2. mass and shape of the body
  3. density of the body
  4. mass, shape and temperature of the body

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Correct Answer : D

Assertion (A) At room temperature water does not sublimate from ice to steam. Reason (R) The critical point of water is much above the room temperature.
  1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true but R is false
  4. A is false but R is true

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Correct Answer : A

Which one of the following statement with regarding to expansion of materials due to heating is not correct?
  1. As ice melts, it expands uniformly upto 4 degree C.
  2. Mercury thermometer works using the principle of expansion due to heating.
  3. small gap is kept between two rails to allow for expansion due to heating.
  4. The length of metallic wire increases when its temperature is increased.

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Correct Answer : C

Water is used in hot water bag because
  1. it is easily available
  2. it has high specific gravity
  3. it has high specific heat
  4. it is a liquid substance

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Correct Answer : C

Alcohol is more volatile than water because .......... is lower than water.
  1. its boiling point
  2. its density
  3. its viscosity
  4. its surface tension

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Correct Answer : A

Rate of evaporation increases with
  1. an increase of surface area
  2. an increase in humidity
  3. a decrease in wind speed
  4. a decrease of temperature

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Correct Answer : A

What is sublimation?
  1. It is the process of conversion of a liquid into gas.
  2. It is the process of conversion of a solid into liquid.
  3. It is the process of conversion of a solid into vapour.
  4. It is the process of conversion of a gas into liquid.

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Correct Answer : C

During the melting of solid, its temarature
  1. decreass
  2. increases
  3. may increase or decrease depending on the nature of solid
  4. Dose not change

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Correct Answer : D

Why is it difficult to measure the coefficient of expansion of a liquid than solid?
  1. liquids tend to evaporate at all temperatures
  2. Liquids conduct more heat
  3. Liquid expand too much when heated
  4. Their containers also expand when heated

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Correct Answer : D

Burns caused by steam are much severe than those caused by boiling water because
  1. steam pierces through the pores of body quickly
  2. steam has latent heat
  3. steam is gas and engulfs the body quickly
  4. temperature of steam is higher

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Correct Answer : B

A glass vessel is filled with water up to the brim and a lid is fixed to it tightly. Then it is kept inside a freezer for hours. what is expected to happen?
  1. The water freezes to ice and the level of ice comes down.
  2. The water in the glass vessel summer freezes to ice.
  3. The glass vessel breaks due to expansion as water freezes to ice.
  4. The water does not freeze at all.

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Correct Answer : C

Which of the following represents a relation for 'heat lost = heat gained'?
  1. Principle of thermal equilibrium
  2. Principle of colours
  3. Principle of calorimetry
  4. Principle of vaporisation

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Correct Answer : C

10 g of ice at - 10 degree C is mixed with 10 g of water at 0 degree C. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of mixture to 10 degree C is
  1. 400 cal
  2. 550 cal
  3. 1050 cal
  4. 1200 cal

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Correct Answer : C

The amount of heat required to change a liquid to gaseous state without any change in temperature is known as
  1. specific heat capacity
  2. mechanical equivalent of heat
  3. latent heat of heat vaporisation
  4. quenching

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Correct Answer : B

Which of the following statement(s) about latent heat for a given substance is/are correct? 1. It is fixed at a given temperature. 2. It depends upon the temperature and volume. 3. It is independent of temperature and volume. 4. It depends on the temperature but independent of volume.
  1. Only 2
  2. Only 1 and 3
  3. Only 4
  4. 1 and 4

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Correct Answer : B

Which of the following is the methods of heat transfer?
  1. Convection
  2. Evaporation
  3. Revolution
  4. Thermal expansion

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Correct Answer : A

Why the clear nights are cooler than the cloudy nights?
  1. Conductance
  2. Condensation
  3. Radiation
  4. Insulation

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Correct Answer : C

In liquid and gases, transmission of heat takes place by
  1. conduction
  2. convection
  3. absorption
  4. advection

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Correct Answer : B

Transfer of heat by thermal conductivity depends upon
  1. solid and liquids
  2. solid and vacuum
  3. gases and liquids
  4. vacuum and gases

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Correct Answer : C

The coefficient of thermal conductivity depends upon
  1. temperature difference of two surfaces
  2. area of the plate
  3. thickness of the plate
  4. material of the plate

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Correct Answer : D

Transfer of heat energy from a heater coil to the food in cooking vessel takes place through the process of
  1. convection only
  2. conduction and convection only
  3. radiation and convection only
  4. convection conduction and radiation

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Correct Answer : B

What is the primary reason woollen clothes keep us warm?
  1. They are made from animal fibres.
  2. They are tightly woven.
  3. They trap air.
  4. They are thick.

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Correct Answer : C

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